Contact Us Have a question or comment? Want to get on our email list? We want to hear from you. Send correspondence to BPC, PO Box 30271, Bellingham, WA 98228-2271 Name* First Last Email* I have a question or comment about:* Membership: Joining or renewing membership at the Bellingham Pickleball Club. TrackitHub: How do I sign up for BPC sponsored classes or sessions on TiH? Open Play: Where can I find opportunities to play? How do I sign up? Skill Development: What classes are available? Courts: There’s an issue with the courts or equipment. Logo Gear Shop: I may want to buy some gear. Events: Are there any special events coming up? I’d like to suggest one or volunteer. New Courts: I have a lead on a possible new court. General Inquiry: Something that is not covered above. — Please check this page as it may answer your question(s) about Membership.— Please check this page as it may answer your question(s) about Spond.— Please check this page as it may answer your question(s) about SKILL DEVELOPMENT.— Please check this page as it may answer your question(s) about OPEN PLAY.Message or CommentAre you currently a BPC member? Yes No CAPTCHA ,