Help Fund the Cornwall Fences

Have you given yet? If not, there is still an opportunity to do so by 4/24.
Although we’ve reached our initial goal for the fences, we are now raising funds for needed fence top safety capping!
Thank you to one and all who have donated so far! This is a legacy for the Cornwall courts!

Please give today to help put us over the top.
All contributions will be matched by a generous donor!
Any surplus would go to additional needed court area improvements.

Let’s do this!
THANK YOU from the BPC governing board!
(And please share with friends, family, colleagues, & businesses.)

Suggested donation amounts
Top Pickle: $5,000
Grand Pickle: $2500+
Dill Pickle: $1000+
Grandma’s Pickle: $500+
Sweet Pickle: $250+
Bread & Butter Pickle: $100+
Refrigerator Pickle: $50+
Gherkin: $20+

Ways to Donate to Fund the Fences

(Whatcom Parks and Recreation Foundation (WPRF) is serving as a qualified tax-exempt 501c3 fiscal sponsor to BPC for the Cornwall court project. All donations to WPRF are tax-deductible.)

Option 1

Simply click here to donate via credit card or PayPal (to Bellingham Pickleball Club, which is NOT tax-deductible).

Option 2

Click here to make a one-time TAX-DEDUCTIBLE donation to WPRF via credit card or PayPal. This goes specifically to the Cornwall project.

Option 3

Make your (tax-deductible) check out to: 
Whatcom Parks and Recreation Foundation, and send to: 
WPRF @  P.O. Box 29963,
Bellingham, WA 98228

Please write “Cornwall pickleball” in the memo line.


Q: Why the cost spread of $11,000-$16,000?
A: Because it depends on how many fences we can fund.  Also, bear in mind that projects done through governmental agencies are more expensive than projects done by private entities.

Q: Where will the fences go?
A. Click on the “sketch” above for the order of fencing priorities. The 3rd priority fences are to create a safe spectator and staging area, and uniform court spacing.

Q: What happens if we raise more than the needed amount?
A: If there is a surplus, it would be held in an account designated for other needed court area improvements, (e.g. fence safety caps/pads, etc.)  This would be great!

Q: Will BPC publicly recognize donors?
A: Yes, however all donors will be offered the option to remain anonymous if they wish!

Q. Can I share this funding request with friends, colleagues, and businesses?
A. Yes, please do. All efforts are appreciated!

Q. What is the Foundation’s non-profit EIN number, so that I can link my tax-deductible donation with a contribution from my financial institution?
A. 91-1503600