Resources – obsolete

BPC offers these links to independent resources for your convenience and information, but doesn't imply specific endorsement. Your decision to use them and/or provide your contact information to them is solely your responsibility.
Please send corrections, updates, and suggestions to
Note: Rule changes in 2021 are NOT incorporated into older offerings, including "Drop Serve" and removal of "Let Serve".
SOURCEBellingham Pickleball Club (BPC)
TOPIC FOCUSSkill Development Resources
LEVEL FOCUSVaries from Newbie to Advanced
FORMATThis resource listing with videos and other offerings; Skill Development Sessions; Documents; Friendly Support; Coaching availble for BPC skill session leaders;
HOW ACCESSED? (for this resource listing) (for a listing of BPC Skill Development Sessions)
PDFs: BPC Suggested Drills for Novices; BPC Suggested Drill for Intermediate and Above;
Bellingham Pickleball Club Skill-Level Self-Assessment Scale; (Criteria from USAPA & IPTPA): One-page for newbies through upper intermediate, with glossary; Two page for newbies through advanced;
Express interest in being a skill-devlopment participant or volunteer via the BPC Skill-Development Interest Survey Form
BPC 1-3 Year Skill Development Planning Charter; Summary of Skill Devt Session Volunteer Roles ; (Expanded descriptions of session volunteer roles & responsibilities)
COST:Most offerings are FREE for members, including additional resources for those leading BPC skill sessions. Sliding fees for other BPC offerings. (Outside paid resources determnine their own fees.)
ADDITIONAL:See for more information about BPC
DATE UPDATED03.15.21 mk
SOURCE*Coach Mark LLC (Mark Livingston lives in Blaine WA)
LEVEL FOCUSBeginner through Advanced,; The "Coach Mark Workout" is geared toward 2.5 through advanced.
TOPIC FOCUSPhilosophy and model offers a methodical approach: "Control plus consistency equals confidence", "Play low and slow", "Diagnosis before prescription", and I'll get you ready for the next level".
FORMATProvides in-person individual or small group instruction, and/or practice sessions;
Designs & delivers development plans, whether for individuals, small groups, or organizations;
Helps players prepare for and obtain an IPTPA skill-level rating;
"Coach Mark" Workout Drills via videos and/or printable PDF (The PDF is quite helpful om its own, but even more useful as a summary after watching the video.)
HOW ACCESSED? ;; (252) 451-0367. Coach Mark teaches and coaches at Birch Bay Activity Center, and at a private court at Lake Whatcom in Bellingham.
COST:$40/hr for new clients, or by prior arrangement; FREE for ten "Coach Mark Workout Drills" via video or pdf
ADDITIONAL:Coach Mark is an IPTPA Level 2 Certified Teaching Professional and Certified Rating Specialist
DATE UPDATED04.09.21 mk
SOURCE*Byrd Penney (based in Bellingham)
LEVEL FOCUSBeginner to Advanced;
TOPIC FOCUSDeep Dive into Body Mechanics; Add Expert Shots to Muscle Memory; Develop Advanced Skills & Tactics
FORMATProvides in-person individual or small group instruction, and/or practice sessions;
Addresses individual needs while working on new skills and tactics.
COST:$120 total for a 2 hour block, which can be shared with up to 4 participants. Two free learning videos on website.
ADDITIONAL:Byrd is a certified PPR coach (Professional Pickleball Registry)
Byrd is also teaching group classes at the "Locker Room East" in Ferndale.
DATE UPDATED03.25.21 mk;
SOURCEPrimetime Pickleball
LEVEL FOCUSNovice through Advanced
TOPIC FOCUSInstruction & drills both on shot techniques and play strategy.
FORMATOver 100 videos with instructional skill and strategy drills; Can be sorted by topic category, or by newest (but not by level) .
HOW ACCESSED? Categories include: 3rd shot & soft shots, Dink, Serve & return, Lob & Overhead, Groundstrokes, Volley, Full court , Strategy, Specialty shots, Off court. ;
Also via "PrimeTime Pickleball" YouTube channel which can be viewed in various groupings under "Home", "Videos", and "Playlists"; ; If you "subscribe", you will be alerted to all new videos
COST:FREE for 100+ excellent videos
$297 (as of 3/15/21) for the "Dominating Doubles System" with 100+ videos in 14 modules (with 365-day money-back guarantee), plus four bonuses including a mobile app & the "Ultimate Doubles Drills" e-book.
ADDITIONAL:Primetime Pickleball is premier video instruction, whether the free version or the paid version.
Some 10-20 minute videos recommended by BPC are below. (When you are first starting, shorter videos are likely easier to absorb.)
- How to Train on a Wall (16 minutes; Novice to Advanced)
- Top 9 Pickleball Skills & Jordan’s Complete Pickleball Game Skills Mastery Program (19 minutes; Intermediate to Advanced);
- How To Beat Bangers (14 minutes; Intermediate to Advanced)
- 4 Key Pickleball Skills to 4.0 and Beyond (14 minutes; Intermediate to Advanced)
- How to Master 4.0+ Skills (11 minutes; Advanced)
DATE UPDATED03.25.21 mk;
SOURCEMark Renneson; PCI (Pickleball Coaching International) & Third Shot Sports
LEVEL FOCUSGuidance for teachers and coaches targeting all levels, including newbies and beginners. Free videos focus on intermediate and advanced levels.
TOPIC FOCUSGuidance geared toward Coaching & Instructing; "Lessons should be safe, fun, and effective."
FORMATLesson plans; Instructional videos; Articles and source documents; (plus various paid coaching and instructing tools, and membership plans).
HOW ACCESSED? ; High-impact pickleball videos, resources, and benefits, for pickleball coaches of all levels : Instructional Video Resource Library at no-charge including technique on: Serve, Return of Serve, Thirds Shots, Volleys , Grounstrokes, Lobs, Overhead Smash, Spin, Grip, & Specialty Shots, Movement, Singles, and additional Miscellaneous and Strategy videos. It is truly a wealth of resources for you to review, practice, and incorporate! : Facebook "Pickleball Instructor Forum" (including for volunteers)
COST:FREE offerings currently include: " PCI Resource-library" with 65+ instructional videos; Various articles, plus an "Introductory Instructor Training Course"; And the "Instructor Forum" on Facebook ;
Varies; Three tiers of annual individual membership packages from $99-$249; Up to 40% off for groups of 6 or more.
ADDITIONAL:Additionally offers various levels of PCI Instructor Certification. Level 1 Certification is done online, and costs $99-$249 (depending on whether you are already a PCI member)
DATE UPDATED03/15/21 Mk;
SOURCEInternational Pickleball Teaching Professional Association (IPTPA);
LEVEL FOCUSVaries: All videos are labeled by "Beginner", "Intermediate", and/or "Advanced" (in addition to topic focus).
TOPIC FOCUSTen topics: Dink Shots, Dink Drills, 3rd Shot Drops, Volleys, Serve, Return of Serve, Groundstrokes, Lobs and Lob Returns, Overheads, and Grip.
FORMATInstructional pickleball videos produced by certified IPTPA professionals, organized by ten topics. (The majority are from "Primetime Pickleball".) It's very helpful that all videos are labeled by both topic and level!
HOW ACCESSED? and (articles)
COST:FREE for a multitude of instructional videos, organized by both topic and level, plus articles on various topics.
Additional programs, certification, rating, and membership have fees. See website for details.
ADDITIONAL: IPTPA offers their rating skill assessment info, certification of instructors and rating specialists, liability insurance, a "Junior Development Program", and more.
SOURCECJ Johnson & Tony Roig
FORMATVarious websites with free videos, and many other offerings
LEVEL FOCUSBeginners to advanced
TOPIC FOCUSContent is aimed at players over 50 , though informative for yournger players as well.
HOW ACCESSED? ; A wealth of resources on drills and exercises,: strategy and tips; and new player basics
Better Pickleball YouTube : Tips, Tricks, and Strategies for Players Over 50
Cj Johnson Global Website: "Age Well, Live Bold, Age Smart"; Has videos on a variety of topics including injury prevention
COST:Many FREE offferings above. All sites also include MANY additional services and support for a fee. : A VIPickleball community of players dedicated to growing. $35/month membership. Step-by-step videos; game breakdowns; Analysis; Member forum; Coaching from Cj and Tony.
LEVEL FOCUSBeginners, Novices, and beyond; Doubles strategy by level and topic
TOPIC FOCUSStategy focus. All aspects of the game, includes skills, strategies, and techniques; Uses expert resources as well as original content.
FORMATPosted articles and videos on "A Pickleball Life" Blog; videos via YouTube; Books for purchase.
HOW ACCESSED?Joe Baker Blogspot "A Pickleball Life" ; Joe Bake YouTube Channel
ADDITIONAL:Great source for beginners and novices!
Videos vary from a few minutes to half hour. Very well laid out, as are the articles and diagrams.
Joe has two books, available via Amazon: "How to Play Pickleball", and "At the Line- Winning Pickleball Doubles Strategy":
SOURCE"Coach Mo"
LEVEL FOCUSBeginners and Novices
TOPIC FOCUSEssentials on strategy and technique
FORMAT14-Page "Pickleball Strategy Guide" in written PDF format
HOW ACCESSED?Pickleball Strategy Guide
ADDITIONAL:Set of Two Pickleball Clinic DVDs for $19.95
TOPIC FOCUSvideos with instruction, updates, and tournaments
FORMATOnline pickleball media channel; there is also a YouTube channel (plus a Facebook Page)
HOW ACCESSED? ; or ; or
"How to Play Pickleball" by "Coach Mo" and Joe Baker
"At the Line- Winning Pickleball Doubles Strategy" by Joe Baker
"Simplified Strategies and Techniques" by "Coach Mo"
Organizations The USA Pickleball Association (USA Pickleball) is the national governing body for the sport of pickleball in the U.S. and provides players with official rules, tournaments, rankings and promotional materials. The International Federation of Pickleball (IFP) is the "World governing body of the sport of pickleball"; IFP's goal is to introduce the sport of pickleball to all nations. The purpose of the "International Pickleball Teaching Professional Association" (IPTPA) is to certify and elevate the standards of the Pickleball Teaching Professional, and to work in conjunction with USA Pickleball to grow the sport of pickleball International Federation of Pickleball (IFP) isthe world governing body of pickleball. The IFP was established to perpetuate the development and growth of the sport throughout the world.
Rules ; (Current official pickleball rules) (Two minute video on basic pickleball and rules; from 2017)
Skill-Level or Rating Info
Bellingham Pickleball Club (BPC) Skill-Level Self-Assessment Scale: One-page for newbies through upper intermediate (with glossary); Two page for newbies through advanced; (Criteria from USAPA & IPTPA)
IPTPA Skill Assessment Sheets: Skill Assessment Sheets from the "International Pickleball Teaching Professional Association" (IPTPA)
USA Pickleball Definitions of Player Skill Ratings:
Coming in the Future:Offers of help on this resource listing are welcome
SourceSimone's Favorite Pickleball Drills (9 minutes)
SourceSarah Ansbury
SourceHelle Sparre
Introduction to PickleballPickleball Kitchen: 5 basic tips for the complete pickleball beginner (12 minutes);
Warm-up Pre-Game DrillsPrimetime Pickleball: The 5 Minute Warm Up | A quick pre-game pickleball warm up when you have limited time (10 minutes);
Agility DrillsPrimetime Pickleball: Speed & Agility Training So You Can Be Quick On The Court (4 minutes);
The Pickleball Doctor: Sport Specific Agility Drills (4 minutes);
DocumentsBPC Suggested Drills for Novices
BPC Suggested Drills for Intermediate and Above